Ch.ACO arrived in the art fair world in 2009. The organizers deeply wanted to promote and develop visual arts in Chile. Winning bet as it has fast become the region’s leading show for contemporary visual art. As PArC in Peru and MECA in Porto Rico, Ch.ACO is the only international art fair in the country. The fair has thus the major responsability to represent Chile on the international art scene. Granted that that fair showcases some well-known galleries from Latin America and the rest of the world, the fair hence draws thousands of visitors. Over 500.000 collectors, art dealers, curators and the general public have indeed gathered in the 10 past years. With 300 local and global artists on display, a wide range of exciting wall art can be viewed and purchased. The price range is wide enough to please seasoned collectors and first time buyers as well. Finally, a committee of professionals rewards the best talents. Ch.ACO takes place every year in November in the Parque Bicentenario.

Ch.ACO 2023


Parque Bicentenario
Bicentenario 3236


8 – 12 November 2023

Entrance Fee

General Admission: 5,000 pesos



Art Periods


+562 22041710

Ceramic Brussels

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