Created in 1992, ART TAIPEI is one of the oldest contemporary art fairs in Asia-Pacific region. Organized by the Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA), this leading show gathers every year in Autumn about 140 galleries from Taiwan and the rest of the world. The 20th and 21st century artworks displayed there truly are qualitative, edgy and sharp. The fair highlights the work of established names, as well as more emerging talents. A special section “MIT – Taiwan Young Artists Connection with the World”, held along the Ministry of Culture, promotes 8 young artists. Over the years, ART TAIPEI has become a not-to-be-missed event in art lovers’ agenda. Indeed, more and more collectors, curators, art dealers and curious come to the fair to see and purchase the exciting pieces exhibited. Moreover, Taipei, the fair-located city, has rich art and cultural heritage and welcomes various groups of artists and collectors. ART TAIPEI is one of the three art fairs held in the city, with Taipei Dangdai in January and Art Revolution Taipei in May.

Lee Cavaliere

Oliver Chang shares his views!

Chair of Taiwan Art Gallery Association

ART TAIPEI 2024: October, 25-28


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist.
Taipei City 110

Art Periods



MIRA Art Fair

Insights Art TAIPEI

Lee Cavaliere

Oliver Chang

Chair of Taiwan Art Gallery Association

What would you say is the DNA of ART TAIPEI?

The DNA of ART TAIPEI is the strong recognition and supports from domestic galleries and diverse groups of Taiwanese collectors with all tastes. Art Industry in Taiwan is strongly influenced and supported by the local galleries, and most of them are the members of Taiwan Art Gallery Association, the organizer of ART TAIPEI international fair, as well as Taiwanese collectors who disperse in multi-regions and devote to art industry in many different ways. The long-term efforts of both local galleries and collectors make ART TAIPEI always be able to quickly gather regional and domestic galleries to participate in the fair and long-stand for 28 years and more. Of course, the global geographic location is also a very important factor. Taiwan is not only at the center of the Asia-Pacific first island chain, but the key role in world trade activities, which makes Taiwan have accumulated the abundant cultural assets since very early time and shape its essential cultural role in Asia-Pacific region.

What type of galleries are chosen to exhibit, and why?

The participating galleries in ART TAIPEI span all fields of 20th – and 21st – century artists and artworks. ART TAIPEI selection committee always includes international judges and carefully scrutinizes galleries according to their shown artists, artworks and exhibition proposals to bring collectors and viewers the best fair experiences. In ART TAIPEI, viewers may see diverse artworks of modern, contemporary, urban art (like graffiti and art toy) and more from Taiwan, Asia-Pacific region and western countries. ART TAIPEI is also very open to video, installation and all kinds of new media artworks to be shown on the floor.

What is the price range of pieces? Who is the average buyer?

The price range of works spans a wider range (than exhibiting galleries), because collectors have diverse tastes. In ART TAIPEI, collectors can choose international and regional works of established artists, and they can also find artworks from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and mainland China. Buyers are generally professional managers, such as doctors, lawyers, architects, designers, accountants, and high-end managers of large companies. Of course, the new groups of buyers are appearing as well. Many of them belongs to the second generation of senior collectors with oversea educational backgrounds and abundant experiences of observing and collecting artworks through their families, which make them equip sharp-eyes but different collecting taste and philosophies from their father’s generation. At present, we see more and more cases that the first generation has transferred the funds of art collection to the second generation. This trend is becoming more and more obvious!

“ART TAIPEI selection committee always […] carefully scrutinizes galleries according to their shown artists, artworks and exhibition proposals.”



Who is the typical attendee of ART TAIPEI?

ART TAIPEI is an international art fair held at the end of October every year in Taiwan. It is the biggest and only international art fair during the time in Taiwan, so it always gathers many collectors and art lovers in Taiwan and from Asia-Pacific region. Aside from the fair business, the organizer, Taiwan Art Gallery Association, also regards art education as its prior responsibility, so the participants of ART TAIPEI are more diverse including students at all levels. To reach the art education goal, we specifically collaborate with the Ministry of Education in Taiwan on the project of “Art Education Day” since 2016. By 2020, there are 3534 students have participated in this program.

What strategy – physical as digital – will you adopt in medium to long term?

In the past one or two years, we have considered the traditional gallery industries and the trends of the entire world. Therefore, we extend our tentacles to a larger area, such as expanding our cross-over cooperation with the fashion industry. We are heading to the derivatives and the applications of art and trying to break through the limitations of traditional artworks. In addition, we strengthen the promotion of urban art brands and extend their applications to various spaces, thereby we can conclude a new wave of collectors. ART TAIPEI also realized that online viewing room is a trend. Therefore, for ART TAIPEI 2020, we collaborated with ARTSY for major online viewing room and also collaborated with local vendor for VR exhibition room which was also applied to another two hotel fairs organized by us, one is ART TAINAN in March and another is ART TAICHUNG in July, so our collectors and viewers can still enjoy the fair through online platform. Regarding of digital transformation, Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA) is trying to develop all kinds of potential online activities under COVID-19 situation, including having international conference with Asia-Pacific Art Gallery Alliance for chairmanship selection, that we are gladly honored the chairmanship again and will lead the alliance in next, as well as different kinds of online art lectures through ZOOM and FaceBook live to keep educating and communicating with our members, collectors, industrial professionals and art lovers. ART TAIPEI will continue exploring new offline and online approaches of fair operations and audience experiences to deliver the best journey of the fair.

What are two other art fairs you would suggest?

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