The fair has ceased. To further edition to come.
Created in 1974, FIAC – Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain – is thus one of the oldest international art fairs. This unmissable Parisian show takes place every October beneath the impressive glass dome of the Grand Palais. It has truly become a meeting point for gallery owners, collectors, connoisseurs, museum curators, and personalities from the world of contemporary art. Since 2004, with the arrival of Martin Bethenod and Jennifer Fay at its head, the fair promotes young creation as well. Indeed, it has opened to emerging galleries, less than 3 years old. In 2018, for its 45th edition, FIAC brought together 195 galleries from 27 countries. Thus, this art fair contributes to the French capital’s artistic dynamism and creates a dialogue between artistic periods like no other. Finally, thanks to FIAC which gathers all the art lovers in Paris, many satellite art fairs were launched as for instance ASIA NOW, Outsider Art Fair or Paris Internationale.

Jennifer Flay shares her views!
Former fair Director
FIAC information
No further event
Entrance Fee
Art Periods

Insights FIAC

Jennifer Flay
Former fair Director
What would you say is the DNA of FIAC?
FIAC’s DNA is composed of:
– The rigorous selection of galleries covering a wide chronological period from the beginning of the twentieth century through to current times, representing different aesthetic currents and almost 30 countries.
– Our close relationship with Parisian cultural institutions both public and private, and the manner in which their exhibitions and cultural programs are phased to highlight the dynamic French cultural scene during the fair.
– The prestige of our cultural programs combined with the quality and number of artworks and installations presented in the public space. These programs are intended both as a means of facilitating access to contemporary creation for all publics, and to provide the opportunity for artists to present work in prestigious and exceptional spaces.
– An understated elegance which is often associated with the French art de vivre.
– Our home city, Paris, with its unrivaled offer of cuisine, exceptional hotels, fashion and culture and its intrinsic beauty
– A commitment to sustainability and eco-responsibility in line with the Paris agreement, and the shared convictions of Reed Exhibitions and our exhibitors.
– A sophisticated, high performing, well-attended and successful digital platform, FIAC Online Viewing Rooms, which is user-friendly, ergonomic and fun, with multiple search criteria including artist, medium, date, size and price range which can be cumulated to refine search possibilities; innovative features such as Chance Encounter, private visits and cultural programs such as Through the Eyes of and Conversations.
What type of galleries are chosen to exhibit, and why?
FIAC includes galleries specialized in modern art, contemporary art and emerging art from the five continents, both large, small and intermediate. FIAC also includes a section devoted to modern and contemporary design, together with editors of multiples and fine arts editions. All galleries are chosen for the quality of their work, their exhibition programs and the artists they represent.
What is the price range of pieces? Who is the average buyer?
Works range in price from less than 100 euros for certain high-quality multiples and editions, to over 10 million euros for exceptional works by famous artists. Sales over this upper-limit price point have also been registered over the years.
With such a vast price range, it is difficult to describe an average buyer. They share a love of Art.
“FIAC’s DNA is composed of the rigorous selection of galleries, our close relationship with Parisian cultural institutions, the prestige of our cultural programs, an understated elegance, a commitment to sustainability & a sophisticated, high performing and successful digital platform.”

Who is the typical attendee of FIAC?
Comprising our outdoor venues such as the Tuileries gardens, the Place Vendome, the Place de la Concorde, the Musée Eugène Delacroix and the Petit Palais, which are open to all and free of charge, the typical attendee if FIAC is also difficult to describe. Visitors coming from 55 countries were registered at the physical fair in 2019. Our ambition is that the typology of visitors be as wide as the selection of artworks on view.
What strategy – physical as digital – will you adopt in medium to long term?
FIAC launched the inaugural edition of FIAC Online Viewing Rooms from March 2nd to March 7th 2021.
The second edition of FIAC Online Viewing Rooms will take place during the physical fair which will from October 21st – October 24th 2021 at the Grand Palais Ephémère, a temporary building designed by the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, situated on the Champ de Mars between the Ecole Militaire and the Eiffel Tower; a purpose-built structure designed to house the events which traditionally take place in the Grand Palais during the renovation of this historic monument dating from the Exposition Universelle in 1900. The Grand Palais Ephémère successfully combines up-to-the minute technology and engineering feats with a commitment to eco-responsibility and sustainability. The building is modular and can be dismounted and reinstalled, in whole or in part, in function of cultural and sporting needs wherever they arise. The prestige of the building and its philosophy are totally in keeping with the identity of FIAC, and will accompany us for the 2021, 2022 and 2023 editions. Our aim for 2021 is to reunite our exhibitors from the five continents in this spectacular new venue which, in its volumes, evokes the Grand Palais. The constraints of the global health crisis may lead us to adapt the contours of the event in function of the context. Whatever the configuration the fair will be accompanied by FIAC Online Viewing Rooms.
What are two other art fairs you would suggest?
Liste, a destination fair for discovering young galleries representing young artists.
Paris Photo, our sister fair, specialized in the photography, from the origins of the medium through to current developments.
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