Pinta PArC

Since creating BAphoto in 2005, Pinta in 2007, and PArC in 2013, the American paradigms have shifted and with it, the fairs grew in trajectory. Pinta PArC, Pinta BAphoto, Pinta Miami, Pinta Basel and Pinta Sud come together now in a same universe that connects, summons and attracts artists, curators, collectors, gallery owners, public / private institutions and art lovers in general in an ecosystem that promotes talent and management. With a professional team led by Diego Costa Peuser and transversal to different business units, Pinta Group moves forward with an innovative spirit and an authentic commitment to promote and give visibility to the work and perspective of artists as they conceive the Latin American artistic identity. That said, Pinta announces the exploration of new frontiers, the revitalization of its ecosystem and the implementation of avant-garde dynamics to highlight the value of the collective.

Pinta PArC 2024


Casa Prado
Av 28 de Julio 878
Miraflores 15074, Lima


April 2024

Entrance Fee

General Admission: S/.40 + comission
Reduced Rate: S/.20 + comission



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