
Held annually in April, miart, is the modern and contemporary art fair in Milan. It is organised by Fiera Milano, a group hosting many events as well as the Investec Cape Town Art Fair. Directed by Alessandro Rabottini, the show truly has an international influence. Indeed, in 2019, the 187 galleries were coming from 19 different countries. Additionnally, it showcases some leading galleries alongside more emerging names. This rich and thrilling show is divided into various sections: “Established Masters” for that displays artworks made before 1999, “Established Contemporary” which is the main section, another one called “Emergent” dedicated to the still undiscovered talents, “Generations” which creates a bond between two artists of a different age, and finally “Decades” which explores and analyzes the history of the 20th century. Finally, alongside the fair itself, miart offers an interesting programme of talks, some exclusive VIP events as well as awards.

Lee Cavaliere

Nicola Ricciardi shares his views!

Artistic Director

miart 2024


pav. 3, gate 5 – fieramilanocity
viale Scarampo
20149 Milan


12 – 14 April 2024

Entrance Fee

General Admission: €15
Students + ages 14-17: €10
ages 0-14: €1



Art Periods



+39 024997.1

Ceramic Brussels

Insights miart

Lee Cavaliere

Nicola Riccardi

Artistic Director

What would you say is the DNA of miart?

miart’s DNA is deeply rooted in the unique features of the city of Milan and in over 100 years of art history. It represents the most extensive chronological art exhibition in Italy, offering Italian and international collectors the opportunity to discover masterpieces from the early twentieth century as well as creations by the latest generations of artists.

What type of galleries are chosen to exhibit, and why?

Besides hosting all major Italian galleries, miart 2023 sees the return to the international reach that had characterized the editions of the fair until 2019, by virtue of the fact that almost 40% of the exhibitors are based abroad. All the participating galleries have been carefully selected by an international committee with the goal of presenting a coherent and orderly combination, honoring tradition while looking to the future. The galleries have been distributed in three sections: “Established” that presents contemporary art in its strictest interpretation as well as Modern Art masters; “Decades” that explores the history of the 20th century through a succession of monographic projects dating from the 1910s to the 2010s; and “Emergent”, a section introducing young galleries whose programming focuses on the most recent researches and practices.

What is the price range of pieces? Who is the average buyer?

Because of the mix of emerging artists and 20th century masters, prices of the works at miart tend to have a very wade range, between €5,000 and €5 million. For the same reason, there’s no average buyer: miart attracts international museum directors and acquisition boards as well as a new generation of collectors that are following the footsteps of the patrons that have built some of the most iconic private collections in Italy and Europe.

“miart attracts international museum directors and acquisition boards as well as a new generation of collectors.”


© miart

Who is the typical attendee of miart?

Our goal at miart is to reach out to the widest audience possible, from the finest art connoisseur to the general public. We want our fair to be an invitation to come together, gallery owners, artists, collectors, citizens and visitors — just like performing a symphony is possible only through collaboration and oneness between baton, forearms, hands, fingers, gestures and, last but not least, those who sits in the hall.

What strategy – physical as digital – will you adopt in medium to long term?

In 2021, miart was among the very first fairs in Europe to return to a live format after COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, reporting solid results in terms of reviews, participation, and sales, and renewing confidence in hybrid art fairs—that is, events able to integrate a physical version and an online platform. The same road was followed for the 2022 edition, which was held in the pavilions of the fair and at the same time on miart digital. The outlook for 2023 is very positive, as we see a constant growth in participation and interest. Needless to say, our desire is to continue this upward trajectory beyond 2023.

What are two other art fairs you would suggest?

ARCOmadrid, the most fun. And Paris+ par Art Basel, the most everything.

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